Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Psquared and the City: One Day

Well, I have been a hermit for a couple of weeks now due to the doctors' orders so I haven't had much content for this weekly post unless you want to hear about hazardous materials and other science mumbo jumbo aka my job.

However, I did take my mom to a movie a few weeks back that I need to seriously mention. We went to see "One Day" starring Anne Hathaway (which I am not usually a big fan of) and Jim Sturgess (who I didn't realize was that cute).

The movie is adapted for screen by David Nicholls fom his 2009 bestselling novel of the same name. The film depicts the friendship and love between two characters, Emma and Dexter, through scenes from one day, July 15th, of each year.

This movie was amazing, the kind of amazing that stayed with me hours after the movie. I really got lost into this movie to the point that I didn't even mind Anne Hathaways' fake oddly British accent. There is something touching about the simpleness of life that we seem to always ignore until the last minute.


  1. I feel like I am going to hate this movie, but now I totally want to see it.

  2. Well i have a way with words... ;) But honestly, i wasnt sure about seeing it, i had no expectations..and i was surprised!
